Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Two Car Theives

Luke: Why are we being followed?
John: Don’t look back; we need to get to the hideout! I can’t shake him!
Luke: Maybe we should call the Police.
John: And say what. We are two car thieves and we would like to report ourselves!
Luke: You said it boss! ‘dials 000 into mobile phone’
John: ’whispers’ That kid certainly has a way with me.
Luke: Police please. ‘pauses’ Hello, I am Luke and I am a car thief. I would like to
report myself and my partner. Could you please pick us up at the corner of
Carillon Street?
Police man: ‘on the other end of the mobile’ Could you please repeat that, I mean,
are you pulling my leg or what? Let me get this straight. You and your
partner are car thieves. You are calling the police station to come and
help you?
Luke: That’s right.
Police man: Why?
Luke: Because we are honest thieves and we don’t want to have to get into any
trouble for what we have done. Could you please hurry up because the owner
of this car is coming after us!
Police man: I will be meeting you guys at Carillion Street in 2 minutes.
Luke: Thanks. ‘call ends’
John: So, what’s happening, kid?
Luke: That policeman is picking us up at Carillion Street, in a few minutes.
John: Oh bother. Here we go again!

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