Monday, June 4, 2012

The Crucible - Week 8 Homework

Look up the meaning of the word which constitutes the title of the play, "crucible", and give a dictionary definition. How appropriate do you consider the title to be? Write a paragraph in answer, referring to one of the play's themes to justify your response. Post on your blog before 8.20 Tuesday.

1) A heat-resistant container used to melt ores, metals, and other materials.
2) A place, time or situation characterized by the confluence of powerful intellectual, social, economic or political forces
3) Sever Test

I consider the title of the play to be very relevant to the second and third definition. The members of the Salem community were strict in their beliefs. Political power (the church) has a large influence over the lives of all members of the community. The entire community was put through a “sever test” through the trials. The political side of the community was put to the test. The beliefs of the people and what they believed was right were placed at opposite ends of the scale. A situation characterized by powerful political forces and sever test are relevant to the play and the title “The Crucible” is fitting.

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